Monday, July 18, 2011

Surrender To Win

A friend of mind says people that surrender will never gain anything. Of course he is an ex-marine and surrendering is not in his vocabulary. When I look at those individuals that have tapped into or on the road to freedom from their addiction, “Surrender” is the difference between those that continue to struggle and for those that have found freedom. When you show up the “white flag in hand” you begin this journey called recovery! Surrender to a therapist, surrendering to the 12 steps, or surrender to God allows a person to listen and hear methods that has worked for millions. Why is it so hard for some people to surrender their will?

1 comment:

  1. Surrender is the difference between victory and agony. I was once a victim of my own choosing. I chose drugs, alcohol and illicit sexual activities and truly it was sucking me dry. although I didn't know it. It was literally draining the life out of me. As I learned how to navigate my way through this journey called life I realized that there are consequences for each and every action. I chose not to give in to what was best for me and of course that caused my slow demise to a sure death. Everything within me was dying although I didn't know it. However, the moment I decided to turn the corner in life and head in a different direction that is when the clouds rolled away and blue skies appeared. Now this was not some walk in the park or floating in a pie boat down a lemonade stream, but it required some determination and concentrated effort on my part. Now none of this would be possible without the grace of Almighty God and my SURRENDERING to His will and purpose for my life of course.
