Sunday, July 24, 2011

Empathy or do they get what they deserve?

Because of the passing of Amy Winhouse and even Michael Jackson some find it hard feel sorry for them that fall into troubles or even lose their lives because of their involvement with drug and or alcohol. Some even feel they got what they deserve! At first glance we say how could people be so heartless, callous and mean. Working in this field of recovery it easy for me to understand. For every addict or alcoholic there are at least 10 family members deeply affected. Hearts have been broken, dreams destroyed, property stolen. Addiction has stolen parents from their kids, and forgives is far from them. So I leave with you this an addict is not a bad person trying to be good, but a sick person trying to get well!


  1. The wonderful truth in recovery is, God meets us where we're at. For me it was in a closet, April 1984, where by all counts, I should be dead today. After putting a 357 S&W in my mouth and pulling the trigger, but I survived by the Mercy of God. How dare I judge any hopelessly addicted person, no matter who they are, how much money they have, etc.. The key word here is, HOPELESS.

  2. In spite of it all the God we serve is mmm, mmm, good.
