Sunday, July 24, 2011

Empathy or do they get what they deserve?

Because of the passing of Amy Winhouse and even Michael Jackson some find it hard feel sorry for them that fall into troubles or even lose their lives because of their involvement with drug and or alcohol. Some even feel they got what they deserve! At first glance we say how could people be so heartless, callous and mean. Working in this field of recovery it easy for me to understand. For every addict or alcoholic there are at least 10 family members deeply affected. Hearts have been broken, dreams destroyed, property stolen. Addiction has stolen parents from their kids, and forgives is far from them. So I leave with you this an addict is not a bad person trying to be good, but a sick person trying to get well!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Surrender To Win

A friend of mind says people that surrender will never gain anything. Of course he is an ex-marine and surrendering is not in his vocabulary. When I look at those individuals that have tapped into or on the road to freedom from their addiction, “Surrender” is the difference between those that continue to struggle and for those that have found freedom. When you show up the “white flag in hand” you begin this journey called recovery! Surrender to a therapist, surrendering to the 12 steps, or surrender to God allows a person to listen and hear methods that has worked for millions. Why is it so hard for some people to surrender their will?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why do people put God on the shelve?

It amazes me when a person that is addicted to some mind altering chemical or life changing habit is going down for the third time, the pain of this horrible practice is unbearable and there heartfelt sincere cry is finally answered by God. Three months, six month, nine months later this person is experiencing a freedom that they couldn’t receive on their own, but God is never recognized in their conversation, deeds, actions or lifestyle.  Matter of fact some seem to look to the heavens, tip their hat and say “I can handle it from here God”. I often wonder how God feels after the miracle that He has rendered is swept under a rug and never shared to help others. I wonder how He feels when others get the Glory for the miracle. I wonder!