Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One of the addict/alcoholics biggest hindrance when seeking freedom. You’ll be shocked!

Recently I joined over a hundred therapist, counselors and clinicians that work in the field of drug and alcohol recovery. We were all ask to write down a list of obstacle facing the addict/alcoholic that seeks freedom from their addiction? The #1 obstacle turned out to be the family member, or love one, or friend.
Why should a person surrender to God or the process of recovery if they can detour and run to someone that knows nothing about the healing process?
Because I work in Christian recovery, Christians are very susceptible because they feel it is their God given right to help, and 99.9% of the time they are right! But what they should do is direct them to professional help and walk away. (very hard to do)
Take your God shoes off, God needs no help!

Chime in and tell me what you think!